Why Choose Us

Top Quality Industrial Equipment & Parts, Quick Shipping, and 24/7 Field Service Capability

At Fitz Equipment Co., we take pride in our work and strive to provide top-quality products. Fitz provides family-friendly customer service above all others. Having over 100 years of combined experience in torque converters and air compressors in each field allows you, our customers, to have confidence that you are receiving the highest quality products and services available. We are a worldwide provider and provide 24/7 service.

Having a large inventory and personal machine shop allows us to provide quick service, which increases product availability and guarantees quick shipment of your products. We can repair and replace anything needed with our 24/7 field service capability. Our goal is to minimize your downtime with our inventory of exchange units, replacement parts, and onsite field service. If you’d like to learn more about how we can upgrade your equipment or assist you onsite, please contact us!