How to Save on Energy Cost on Your Industrial Air Compressor System

An industrial air compressor is an expensive investment. Not only must you face the initial purchase price of a compressor, but also repairs, maintenance, and energy-related costs.
Energy costs can quickly add up, amounting to several times the purchase price of the compressor itself. If these costs have begun to grow out of hand, then it is worth taking the time to learn how to reduce these expenses.
4 Ways to Save Energy on Your Industrial Air Compressor
Energy-related costs can quickly exceed the purchase price of a machine. By reducing those energy costs, you can save more and allocate those savings to other parts of your business. Here are four ways that you can prioritize energy efficiency:
1. Check Your Air-Compressor Parts for Leaks and Faults
You will need an air-compressor repair service if your unit is not working as efficiently as it should. Systematically check your compressor for leaks, clogged condensate drains, and other faults.Industrial air compressors commonly lose money from air leaks, especially when a unit is five or more years old. Air leaks alone can quickly cost you more than $2,500 each year when not repaired. A clogged drain can inflate those costs even higher due to wasted compressed air.
2. Commit to Air-Compressor Repair as Needed
Commit to air-compressor repair services if your machine is not working at its maximum efficiency. While repairs can be costly upfront, getting repairs immediately will save you money overall by avoiding downtime for more extensive repairs and wasted compressed air.
3. Prevent the Need for Air-Compressor Repairs Through Good Maintenance
An industrial air compressor will perform at its best when proper and thorough maintenance is performed routinely on the compressor. Not only does adequate maintenance cut back on energy costs, but it can prevent the breakdown of a machine. Proper maintenance will save you more on unnecessary air-compressor parts.
4. Turn Your Industrial Air Compressor Off When Not in Use
You can reduce your energy bills by turning your compressor off when it is not in use. If you conduct your business during daylight hours, turn your compressor off in the evening. If your compressor remains unused over the weekend, shut it down on Friday.
Don’t Let Downtime Hurt Your BusinessYou can increase the longevity of your industrial air compressor and reduce the amount of energy used through proper maintenance, timely repairs, and appropriate usage.
If you need repairs or replacement air compressor parts, including specialty parts, Fitz Equipment provides 24-hour on-call repair and replacement services. Request your free quote.